At IOC we are committed to becoming a premier mining organization in North America. To achieve this goal, the way we do our work every day at IOC is just as important as the work that we deliver. Our commitment to health, safety, environment and communities (HSEC) is fundamental to how we do business.

IOC believes in building sustainable relationships that support host communities, near neighbors and key stakeholders, contributing to positive regional economic outcomes and working in partnership.


The Communities Where We Operate

  • Labrador City, Newfoundland-and-Labrador
  • Sept-Îles, Quebec 


IOC regularly participates in community forums and working groups to discuss issues of common interest. This helps us adapt to changing priorities in the regions of Labrador West and Sept-Îles. This is an important part of community and social performance linking us to the communities in which we live and operate. 


Here is an overview of some of the forums in which we participate:

  • Community Advisory Panel (CAP) – The CAP provides a consultative forum for Labrador West and Sept-Îles stakeholders to engage in regular, transparent, equitable, and constructive dialogue. Its objective is to improve understanding of environmental, social, and economic issues and opportunities pertaining to mining operations and community development. CAP members collaborate and partner to achieve shared sustainable development goals and address identified issues and opportunities.
  • Joint Planning Committee – maintaining a robust, transparent, and collaborative relationship between IOC and the Town of Labrador City, ensuring that both parties are well-informed and aligned on matters affecting both the community and IOC’s operations.  


Indigenous Communities 

We believe in building long-term partnerships with these communities:

  • Innu of Matimekush-Lac John (Quebec)
  • Innu of Uashat mak Mani-Utenam (Quebec)
  • Labrador Innu (Sheshatshiu and Natuashish, Labrador, as represented by Innu Nation)
  • Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach (Quebec)
  • NunatuKavut Community Council (Labrador)


We’re committed to serving as allies to these communities in matters of promoting education and employment, preserving their cultural heritage, and fostering economic development and responsible environmental practices.


Social Investment 

IOC’s social investment approach seeks to deliver lasting, positive outcomes for communities and a legacy of valued contribution for IOC and the communities where we partner and operate. To submit a social investment request, please click here


Community Complaints and Feedback

Toll free: 1 866 557-7254

To submit feedback online, please click here