Hydro Rebate Forms
Hydro Rebate Forms

As you are aware, as part of our Collective Agreement, the Company has committed to reimburse employees for any increase in utility cost as a result of hydro rate increases during the life of the Agreement.


Hourly employees must complete the Application for Reimbursement of Hydro Increase form in order to receive the payment. Please take note of the following criteria to receive the benefit:


  • Please include all hydro bills for the period of January – December 2024.
    - You can print a copy of all 2024 bills from the Hydro website or save them electronically and email them to the Call Centre (CallCentre@riotinto.com)
    - Or you can call Hydro Customer Service for a copy of your billing history
  • Hydro bills must include the name of the employee that is claiming the Hydro reimbursement.
  • Hydro bills must be billed to the same address as appears on the employee’s personnel file; this address must be the employee’s residence.


The application form is formatted with the required calculations and will be available on IOC Connex. For those who do not have access to a computer, blank forms are available from the department assistants.


When using the record from the Hydro website to fill out the hydro rebate form, use the bill period months from the right hand column; as shown in the example on the following page.


All claims must be submitted to the Call Centre via internal office mail or by dropping your claim in the mailbox located in the porch of the administration building on-site (first aid entrance). Incomplete forms will not be processed.


In order to expedite reimbursement please return your forms by February 21, 2025. Payment will be processed once all forms are received.